Thursday 30 April 2020

April 2020: Strange Times Indeed!

Normally, around this time, I would have been posting the photos of our April Quarto meeting with our lovely swap books and projects.  But Spring 2020 has been anything but normal.  We postponed April's meeting when the UK Corona virus advice led to a full lockdown and we realised that it was very unlikely that we would be able to meet up at all.

However, as 'crafty types', we've not been idle.  Margaret Beech has been emailing small paper projects to members to keep us occupied - the sort of thing that could be easily mailed as a cheer-up in an envelope.  In addition, several members forwarded photos of their lockdown crafting projects so that we can share a virtual gallery of our craftiness!  Some of these are below.  If anyone else has pictures to add, please do send them to my usual email address and we'll do a second post in a week or two...

Jill Williams has created an array of gorgeous cards, using a mixture of different papercraft techniques... well as a fabulous bunting banner for her niece's wedding (now sadly postponed to next spring.) Jill sent this as two photos and I've 'magicked' them together - please ignore the join!!!

Janet Barnett has also been inspired to make some lovely cards, using a wide range of different ideas from Quarto and Northumbrian Scribes workshops:

Margaret has been creating some fabulous monochrome montages:

And Jo and Pat Duncan have been working on a Saturday Recycling Creative Challenge: week 1 was toilet roll tubes which became characters from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream':

and week 2 Matchboxes which became mini theatres:
Finally, a burst of sunshine in paper-form from Ruth Rowland, reminding us that things will get better at some point - I think this is the message we all need at the moment!!

More soon !  Until then, stay safe, stay well and stay creative!